
We utilize a revolutionary approach to underwriting life and disability insurance that will enable many high net worth clients to exchange or purchase lower-cost life insurance policies which were previously:

Bought at prices they thought too high due to medical history

Turned down by the client because of prohibitive pricing due to medical history

Even worse, declined for coverage.

Despite these problems, we have a unique strategy that differentiates our process from those that have been around for over a century. We are able to offer a customized approach to life insurance underwriting that brings together the client, their medical providers and others for an in-depth process that searches out the full story – not just what is in the physician’s file.

We provide the carrier new thinking that includes information beyond medical history such as lifestyle, adherence to physical and emotional well-being plans and general day-to-day activities.

If you or your top clients have had problems obtaining life insurance from quality carriers at the best rates possible, let us show you and them what we can do. We can provide life insurance solutions in most cases to solve problems including:

Estate taxation, liquidity and balance (don’t forget states that have death transfer taxes)
Buy-Sell situations, key person coverage, deferred compensation programs.

Don’t know where to start?
Let’s start here.