Getting and Keeping Valued Staff – A Challenging Time

A glance at today’s business headlines shows that a major problem for businesses and professional practices of any size is the contest for capable and loyal employees.

Whether it is healthcare, high tech, bio tech, not-for-profit or the neighborhood coffee shop, hiring and keeping good employees is both a financial and human resources challenge.

A major focus for Secure Benefits Northeast, LLC is designing programs that attract, retain and reward key employees, especially those whose compensation and position call for commitment and long term service.

These plans can be designed for individuals or groups/categories.

Sometimes called “golden handcuffs”, terms typically include tailored incentives that:

  • Attract and recruit staff through financial incentives that are immediate and/or vest all or components over time;
  • Take into consideration existing plans if recruiting from another organization that has such programs;
  • Use vesting and forfeiture provisions to tailor the reward for coming on board and staying as well as the penalties for leaving before a stated time;
  • Use vesting and forfeiture provisions that are tied to specific project or program goals.

Tax exempts ranging from healthcare to social welfare to research to education to the arts also face a highly competitive marketplace and have need for recruiting and retention tools.

While there are Internal Revenue Code provisions that must be followed, they are not as limiting as those applicable to pension, profit sharing, 401(k) and 403(b) plans with a lot of flexibility for participation and design.

We work with your legal counsel and accountants to make sure that the Plan is properly established, documented and funded.

After implementation, we establish an agreed schedule for reviewing the Plan to see if it continues to meet goals as well as maintaining appropriate values over time.

Our process is not complicated:


Introductory conference call, video or visit


Design a Plan that meets the goals and needs of the parties

a. Business/practice valuation
b. Legal format decision making
c. Documentation and funding


Implementation and maintenance of the Plan.

To set a conference call (phone or video) or in person appointment, contact: